Celebrating our Engineers 🎉
” Beyond being amazingly witty, intelligent, amazing dancers and mostly good looking, Chemical Engineers are also quite useful.
By definition, our job is to figure out ways to transform raw materials into products that are valuable to the world. Think of steel, medicine, softdrinks, cement, plastic, batteries, fuel, fertilisers ….. All of these products are the result of chemical engineers doing what they do best, breaking stuff into the most basic elements and rebuilding them through chemical processes. The world would look very different without chemical engineers, but most importantly would be a very boring place. “
If you’re familiar with UDEC, chances are high that you’ve encountered at least one of these faces from this eclectic group of engineering minds:

Chemical Engineer

Chemical Engineer

Chemical Engineer

On World Engineering Day, we honour the invaluable contributions made by this group, not only to UDEC, but also to our daily lives and the global community too.
While these individuals may vary in their approaches and expertise, it’s precisely these differences that we celebrate UDEC. So let’s take the opportunity to get to know these data-driven individuals better as we also discover the differences that set them apart.
1. How many years have you been working as an engineer/ metallurgist?
Going on 7 Years 👀
6 years
5 going onto 6 years.
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you find yourself thinking about engineering solutions (outside of work hours)?
Hmmm… a good 7 to 8 (Let’s say 8/10 – cause I like a good distinction 😊)
I wind down by challenging strangers in various online games and rarely discuss Engineering solutions – so maybe 5?
3. On average, how often have you had to explain to people that chemical engineering isn’t just about mixing chemicals?
OMG – almost everytime; to people not in the Industry. According to my Granny, I definitely mix chemicals (& I’ve accepted it – it makes me sound cool 😎)
Very Often! Probability of meeting someone and having to correct them on what chem engs do = 89.34%
Very often
I did Metallurgy and what I’ve found myself having to explain half the time is what I do and advising on how it is pronounced🥲.
4. Do you still remember what SRK stands for?
Of course, Shah Rukh Khan 😜!! The boring version on Google says “Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) Equation”
Some Random Konstant?!
No lol. I had to google it again.
What is that? 😌
5. Do you have a plant on your desk?
You are trying to trick me! I have both 😎. A fake plant 🌷and a chemical plant on my mouse pad.
No, but I once had a desk on a plant…. Chem Eng inside joke
Yes an artificial plant.
Now that you mention it, maybe I should get one.
6. Are you a morning person or night owl?
Uhmmm morning person – after 08:00!!
Morning Person
Night Owl
I’m filling out this questionnaire at 00:10 am, take a guess. 😂
7. Netflix binge or reading a book to unwind after work?
This is a hard one. Both actually. Netflix after work and a book before I sign off 💤
I wish
Netflix binge
Barring the history of middle earth now and again, Netflix binge – Currently cooking with Walter White on breaking bad.
8. Do you prefer tea or coffee for that morning pick-me-up? How many cups?
Just 1 good cup of coffee in the morning.
Coffee, many. Tea is only good for splitting a pipe into two pipes ….. Chem Eng joke again….
Coffee – 2 cups
Tea? Coffee? What is even that? WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Which social media platform do you most commonly use?
Instagram – no friend requests please.. 👀Jokes!
GCC off course
I’m addicted to Instagram 😭.
10. Physical calculator or a cellphone calculator?
It’s called scientific calculator 😲 please… lets use the correct terminology and yes I keep my Fx-991es Plus Scientific Calculator very close to my heart.
Physical calculator
Why isn’t excel an option?
Here’s the TL;DR version, for the TL;DR kind: