Membrane Antiscalants

Membrane Antiscalants

Our antiscalants are very effective in inhibiting the formation of scaling, particularly carbonates, sulphates, phosphates, silica, iron, aluminium, and manganese.

The selection of the correct product is supported by our proprietary solubility modelling software.

All our products have been approved to be used by all major membrane manufacturers

  • Cost effective
  • Highly effective; compared to other products, at high salt concentrations
  • Does not promote bacteria growth; unlike other phosphate and polymeric based antiscalants
  • Stable products with long expiration dates
  • Reduce cleaning frequency
  • Environment friendly
  • Optimized dosing through laboratory and technical support

With over 35 years of experience, UDEC is the innovative industry leader and specialist in process materials, speciality chemicals and adsorbents.

Browse products


1 Lions Pride Building,Zandwyk Industrial ParkOld Paarl Road, Paarl, 7646

+27 21 872 8125


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