MBBR Media

MBBR Media

A moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) process utilizes floating plastic carriers (media) within the aeration tank to increase the amount of microorganisms available to treat the wastewater. The microorganisms consume organic material and the media provides increased surface area for the biological microorganisms to attach to and grow in the aeration tanks. The increased surface area reduces the footprint of the tanks required to treat the wastewater.

There are different types of MBBR media available in various shapes, sizes and materials.

Core technology and advantages of the MBBR Bio Filter Media:

1. Special design of surface which translates to a stronger bio-film growth capacity
2. Larger specific surface area with high voidage results in more periphyton biomass
3. Unique structure design and shape according to hydromechanics
4. Strong three-dimensional flow dynamics in the water
5. Excellent impact strength and strong gas shear capacity
6. Applicability for aerobic and anerobic designs

With over 35 years of experience, UDEC is the innovative industry leader and specialist in process materials, speciality chemicals and adsorbents.

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1 Lions Pride Building,Zandwyk Industrial ParkOld Paarl Road, Paarl, 7646

+27 21 872 8125



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