UDEC Group

Activated Bauxite

Activated Bauxite Clay is a granular adsorbent for the removal of process impurities from aqueous or hydrocarbon streams. Especially effective in color body and odor removal from lubrication oil and wax process streams.

Treating lubrication oils and waxes with activated bauxite will reduce organic acidity, increase resistance to oxidation and remove tastes and colors. UDEC’s formulation offers optimized particle size distribution based on extensive commercial trials and 75 years of experience in the application of activated bauxite.

With over 35 years of experience, UDEC is the innovative industry leader and specialist in process materials, speciality chemicals and adsorbents.

Browse products


1 Lions Pride Building,Zandwyk Industrial ParkOld Paarl Road, Paarl, 7646

+27 21 872 8125



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