UDEC Group

Activated Alumina for Fluoride Removal

Activated Alumina for fluorided removal  is a porous white adsorbent media. As the name suggests, this media is designed to reduce fluoride levels in potable and industrial water applications when employed in polishing units. Effectively reducing fluordie levels from 10 ppm down to an effluent specification of <1.0 ppm.

It is a widely used process and the preferred technique for defluorination due to its low cost, ease of operation, high efficiency, accessibility and the fact that it can be regenerated – this makes it ideal.

With over 35 years of experience, UDEC is the innovative industry leader and specialist in process materials, speciality chemicals and adsorbents.

Browse products


1 Lions Pride Building,Zandwyk Industrial ParkOld Paarl Road, Paarl, 7646

+27 21 872 8125



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